Forex Cargo Balikbayan Box Promo – Ends June 18

June 16, 2010 Posted by
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Forex Cargo Balikbayan Box Promo ends Friday

To all Forex Cargo customers, you have until Friday June 18, 2010 to avail of the Forex de Mayo Promo.  The promo which started last week of April was such a success that the management decided to extend it for another two weeks. For those who want to take advantage of this savings be sure to give us a call and schedule for a pickup.

Call Forex Cargo Balikbayan Box today to schedule a pickup at  (323)449-5468

Forex Cargo Forex de Mayo Promo

April 16, 2010 Posted by
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Good News Forex Cargo Customers

Forex De Mayo Promo starts today

Go get your balikbayan boxes ready, our promo starts today. Loyal customers have been asking about the Forex de Mayo promo since last week and when it is going to start, well today the management decided to make it earlier responding to our customers’ requests. So the new rate starting today are as follows:

Metro Manila             : $ 60.00

Luzon1/Luzon2         :    65.00

Visayas/Mindanao   :    70.00

If you need to schedule a Forex Cargo Balikbayan Box Pickup just call (323)449-5468

Forex Cargo Rates

March 7, 2010 Posted by
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Forex Cargo Rates as of June 19, 2010

Manila         : $65.00

Luzon 1       :  70.00

Luzon 2      :   73.00

Visayas       :   80.00

Mindanao  :   83.00

To schedule a pickup of your Forex Cargo Balikbayan Box, call (323)449-5468

Forex Cargo Balikbayan Box Promo Ends Monday

February 25, 2010 Posted by
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Forex Cargo Promo Ends on Monday March 1, 2010

To all our balikbayan box clients, Forex Cargo’s promo which started January of this year will end on Monday March 1. There are still few days left to avail of this promo. Make sure to get in touch with your Forex Cargo agents to avail of the special price.

Promo Prices:

Metro Manila    : $60.00

L1/L2               :    65.00

Vis/Min           :   70.00

Schedule a Forex Cargo Balikbayan Box Pick Up Today. Call (323)449-5468

Forex Cargo Heart Month

February 7, 2010 Posted by
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Forex Cargo Heart Month

Good News to all Forex Cargo customers. The management have decided to continue the January Promo Sale(until further notice) to give way to our kababayans who have not yet avail of the special discounts. February is usually a special month especially for the teenagers and the young at heart. It is made more special this year since the Chinese New Year will also fall in the same day. As we all know, Celebrations for Chinese New Year is getting so popular in the Philippines that even  a lot of our kababayans are following the Chinese tradition to welcome the Year of the Tiger. To help you get an insight of what is in store for you this year, Click On This LINK.

Going back to Forex Cargo, here are the special rates(until further notice):

Metro Manila:      $60.00

L1/L2             :         65.00

Vis/Min         :         70.00

Call Forex Cargo today and schedule your balikbayan box pickup today at (323)449-5468